As the IT industry continues to expand successfully, negative
effects also come along with the various improvements in technology, creating
avenues for cyber threats and crimes. In WebsenseInc’s 2014 Security Predictions Report, the company
determined key threats that organizations should observe including the
increased volume of malware, data destruction, and cloud data predators.
Meanwhile, a different set of data from Verizon’s 2013
Data Breach Investigation Report (DBIR) revealed that speed and sophistication are the themes of these
attacks, and it seems that they will still be prevalent for this year. As the
company noted, “understanding the sophistication of the attackers and their
tactics will help you to adopt a smarter approach to protecting your business”.
To get you on the right track this year, here are some of the
threats that you need to be aware of.
1. “Bring your own cloud”
Cloud services resulted from the convergence of cloud computing
and mobile devices, allows you to store and retrieve information efficiently.